2022 PA Fall Fiber Arts Festival
2022 PA Fall Fiber Arts Festival
November 19-20
Sat. 9am-5pm Sun. 9am-4pm
Needlework Emporium
~No cost for the public to attend.
~Free parking in the Women's club parking lot and in the surrounding neighborhood.
~Stay tuned for mask requirements.
A yearly show in Bethesda, Maryland featuring needlework artisans, as well as antiques and needlework supplies. This is the fourth year for the show.
There is no charge to attend and parking is free.
The show is the brainchild of Truffle Pigs Antique Sewing. The Truffle Pigs are 3 friends: Debbie Hartwick, Stacey Bear and Kim Stout who all had a love of sewing and antiques. They met while participating as artists for many years in high quality Folk Art shows.
The Needlework Emporium includes professional artisans who create work in the genres of sewing, cross stitch, and textile art.
In addition quality new, antique and vintage needlework supplies like kits, dyes, books, notions, buttons, ribbon & trims, fabric, pin cushions, thimbles, tape measures, sewing ephemera, fine needlework tools and much more!
2022 Vendor List (List will be updated as we add more):
Deborah Hartwick, Textile Artisan, Heartwells Designs
Susan Louise McCauley, Mekong River Textiles
Linda Sarubin, Antique Buttons and Sewing
Kim Stout, Textile Artist
Stacey Bear, Antique Sewing Items
Luna Blue Vintage, Vintage Clothing and Haberdashery
Amanda Mae MacNaughton, Ardith Design

VIRTUAL - Penns Valley Fiber Festival
Penns Valley has gone virtual! We’ll be among the ten vendors selling wares for the festival. Be sure to join the Facebook group to stay up to date!
VIRTUAL - Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival
SVFF goes virtual! Visit the festival starting 9/25 here.